French Skier’s Dramatic Rescue From Crevasse

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Listening Comprehension Questions

Introductory questions

  1. Why did the skier fall into the crevasse?
  2. Did he get injured? How long was he trapped in the crevasse?
  3. Did he get out of the crevasse? How was he rescued?

Watch the video podcast and try answering these questions.

After that, click on the title of the post to open it in the full view and to do other relevant activities helping your listening comprehension.



The script is provided below the video podcast directly on the page of the news provider. It is also provided in the form of subtitles during the playback of the video podcast.


Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face. Dave Barry


Listen to the video and answer the Listening Comprehension Questions below.

Listening comprehension questions

  1. Why did the skier fall into the crevasse?
  2. How deep did he fall? Did he get injured?
  3. How long was he trapped in the crevasse?
  4. Did he get out of the crevasse?
  5. How was he rescued?

If it is difficult for you to answer these questions right away, read the following Vocabulary and listen to the video again to see if your listening comprehension has improved. Repeat as many times as you want. At the end, please, read, and translate if necessary, the script provided on the broadcaster’s page. Listen to the video one more time for final and full listening comprehension. Answer the Listening comprehension questions (Compare your answers with the Answers provided at the end of this post).



crevasse an abyss, crack or breach, a deep fissure
the whole ordeal a difficult or painful experience
helmet cam A helmet camera, otherwise known as a micro video camera, bullet camera, or lipstick camera, is a camera attached to a helmet allowing someone to make a visual record from their point of view, while keeping their hands and vision free
a picture-perfect day Perfect or ideal, especially in appearance
a harrowing tale of survival Extremely distressing; agonizing
snow collapsing To fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.
beneath Below or underneath
brace oneself against a wall of ice To furnish, fasten, or strengthen with or as if with a brace.
climb to safety To move upward, especially by using the hands and feet
precaution Caution practiced in advance; forethought or circumspection
nightmare A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress









  1. Why did the skier fall into the crevasse?

The skier was skiing down the hill when suddenly the snow collapsed under his feet and he plunged into a deep crevasse.

  1. How deep did he fall? Did he get injured?

More than 20 feet. No.

  1. How long was he trapped in the crevasse?

For almost 30 minutes.

  1. Did he get out of the crevasse?


  1. How was he rescued?

A Swiss guide heard the skier’s scream and with the help of a few other skiers pulled the skier out of the crevasse.


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